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39093 – 8th Ave., North Branch, MN 55056

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Floating Docks

Hassle-Free Ideal for rivers & reservoirs

Floating Docks Frame

The truss style frame allows the dock to rest on foam filled, plastic rotocast floats. Connecting the floats to the frame are aluminum clamping brackets, allowing the floats to be added to a frame wherever needed.

Comes in 4’, 8’, 12’, and 16’ long sections.Take the inconvenience out of fluctuating waterways and make it a hassle free experience.

Vibo Marine wants to make memories more easily accessible with our all aluminum, lightweight docks. Your dock serves as the center of activity at the water. 

Floating docks are ideal for rivers and reservoirs, where water levels fluctuate.

Our mission is to make water fun more easy and affordable! Vibo Docks are strong yet lightweight, ensuring a durable dock for a lifetime of service.  Let Vibo be a part of your summer memories today.

Floating Docks
Floating Docks
Floating Docks
Floating Docks
Floating Docks

— Made in the U.S.A. —

Vibo docks are manufactured right here in Minnesota.
Our high quality aluminum docks are sold factory-direct to you.

Note: Shore end posts are an optional add-on to any dock system.

P.O. Box 785, 39093 8th Ave. North Branch, MN 55056
M-F 8am - 4:00pm, Sat & Sun closed

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