Replacement cedar decking panels fit Vibo dock frames only. They are approximately 47 1/2 x 47 x 1 and are made to fit Vibo docks with two stringers of support on the frame and a side lip that covers the decking edge. Each 4×4 panel weighs approx 35 lbs and is perfect for a natural looking dock. You can expect to get about 10-15 years out of our cedar decking and no staining or finishing is required. Left natural, the cedar will gray within the first 6 months or so. Cedar is naturally rot resistant. If your dock frames do not have a side lip on them you will need to call to special order old style cedar decking. 651-674-2383.
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38 lbs
48 × 48 × 1 in
P.O. Box 785, 39093 8th Ave. North Branch, MN 55056
Replacement cedar decking panels for side lip frames
1 in stock
Replacement cedar decking panels fit Vibo dock frames only. They are approximately 47 1/2 x 47 x 1 and are made to fit Vibo docks with two stringers of support on the frame and a side lip that covers the decking edge. Each 4×4 panel weighs approx 35 lbs and is perfect for a natural looking dock. You can expect to get about 10-15 years out of our cedar decking and no staining or finishing is required. Left natural, the cedar will gray within the first 6 months or so. Cedar is naturally rot resistant. If your dock frames do not have a side lip on them you will need to call to special order old style cedar decking. 651-674-2383.
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